What, no canvas support? D:

CoffeeBox is a game about finding your lost coffee beans! You know as well as I do that caffeine is VITAL. So get searching!

CoffeeBox is my entry to #lowrezjam 2014. What sets CoffeeBox apart is that it is a fully 3d voxel-based world seen from an overhead 2d perspective. A bit experimental, which is why it is so incredibly short. Not the platformer you're used to is it? Arrow keys/WASD to move, space to jump, 'h' for help. Have fun!



framebuffer.js by Noffle: https://github.com/noffle/framebufferJS

Keypress.js by David Mauro: http://dmauro.github.io/Keypress/

howler.js by Goldfire Studios: http://goldfirestudios.com/blog/104/howler.js-Modern-Web-Audio-Javascript-Library

Desert ambience recorded by David Menke: http://www.freesound.org/people/davidmenke/sounds/205711/



Notepad++, SFXR

